"Ondine Sherman's life appeared close to perfect. A scion of the hugely successful Sherman family, which includes influential businessman and philanthropist father Brian, arts impresario mother Gene and film producer brother Emile (The Kings Speech, Rabbit Proof Fence), Ondine's passion for animal rights led her to found one of Australia's leading animal protection groups, Voiceless, in 2004.
So when she and her husband discovered they were having twins, it didn't seem as if things could get any better. However Ondine's idyllic family life was thrown into turmoil when her twin boys were diagnosed with the rare genetic condition Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome, which meant that they might never be able to walk, talk or care for themselves.
In her new book, Ondine chronicles her difficult journey with the boys, from the desperate search for a miracle cure, to an ultimate place of acceptance, love and hope for the future.
First broadcast May 2013"
Listen to the radio interview here